Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Writing for Him

Sitting around my home are journals upon journals of writings to God, prayers, notes, moments, random doodles from the children.  This is one way I walk with Him. 

I find it very comforting to open up on paper, to write freely and confident to God. 

I am able to look back and thank God as I read prayers answered, questions revealed through written Scripture I have discovered while studying His Word,  a dream, something in the day that made me smile. 
Sometimes I just feel so rushed in prayer if Im not sitting down writing it out to Him.   If I feel an urge to pray, sometimes I will grab my journal and start writing, if I am interupted I feel it easier sometimes to be able to put the pen down and carry on where I left off. 

When I was young I used to have a diary.  I used to write about my days events. This is much the same, except I am sharing it with Christ.  Someday even my children might stumble upon them and glance at the pages and see prayers answered that may have not even be answered in my lifetime. 

Prayers can be 6 pages long somedays, sometimes only a paragraph.

It works for me.  My relationship with Christ builds on these pages. I can look back and reflect. 

Notes from a service, key words, scripture, examples. All can be written out and soaked up later. 

Revelations from Christ can be forever treasured.


  1. Oh, yes! I so relate to this! While I love the speed and legibility of typing on a computer, I sometimes need to take pen to paper and write out love letters to God, in my own handwriting, at a slower pace. It is good for my soul and I hope that it pleases the Father.

    A great post. Thank you.

  2. I enjoyed reading this post, as I, too, love to journal and write prayers out ... it helps me to feel more connected with God, and keeps my mind focused. Thanks for sharing, and thanks for stopping by my blog (Pursuing Heart) a few days ago, and leaving a comment on my post "In Stillness and in Trust".

    Have a great weekend!
